Storing Your Gateway Config in a Database

· apiman, 1.2.x, gateway, jdbc, registry
Avatar for Eric Wittmann
Co-founder of Apiman, founder of Apicurio, owner of very fluffy dog.
/ Red Hat /

One of the strongest features of apiman, in general, is its excellent extensibility. Not only is it easy to add new policies, for example, but many of its core components are also pluggable. This includes, for example, the registry used by the API Gateway to store configuration information published to it by the manager. This blog post will detail a new JDBC based implementation of that registry, explaining how you can store that information in a Database instead of in Elasticsearch (the default setting).

Why Use a Database Instead of Elastic?

You may or may not be wondering why this is important. Some users may not be comfortable storing persistent data in Elasticsearch. Or perhaps a user doesn’t want to create a production deployment of Elasticsearch at all and would prefer alternatives for each of the various Gateway components that currently uses it. For these reasons (or others), we now (as of version 1.2.2.Final) have a JDBC implementation of the API Gateway registry!

Read on to learn how to use it!

Setting Up the Database

First it’s important to note that the Gateway registry JDBC implementation does not leverage JPA. Instead we use JDBC directly (with a little help from Apache’s dbutils library) to store the data in the database and query it again. For this reason, you will absolutely need to create your database and then configure it using one of the provided DDLs.

You can find the DDLs included in the apiman distribution in the following directory:


We include DDLs for the following databases:

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Oracle

  • H2

Simply create a new database using tools that are appropriate to the type you are using (e.g. you can use the MySQL Workbench). Then execute the DDL appropriate to your database type, so that all the correct tables and indexes are created.

Configuring Apiman to Use It

Once the database is created, you will need to make some configuration changes in apiman so that the Gateway will connect to the database and store information there instead of Elasticsearch. There are two files that need to be created/modified to make this happen.

Creating a Datasource

First, you will need to create a Datasource using whatever is appropriate for the platform you are running apiman on. This will differ, for example, if you are running apiman on Tomcat rather than Wildfly or EAP. Here are some documentation resources that may be helpful when creating a Datasource for your preferred runtime platform:

Make sure you download and install the JDBC driver for your database, and also make sure that you know the JNDI location of the datasource you wish to use.


Finally, you have everything you need to now configure apiman to use the database. You simply need to change some properties in, and you’ll be good to go!

Specifically, you need to change the configuration of the Gateway Registry. The default settings in 1.2.2.Final for the Gateway Registry look like this:

All of these properties can be replaced with the following settings:


Please note that the apiman-gateway.registry.datasource.jndi-location should be set to whatever value makes sense based on the deployment/configuration of your actual datasource.


Once you have configured the API Gateway to use a database to store your configuration info, apiman will no longer store this type of data in Elasticsearch. This is perhaps one step closer to a world where you do not need to maintain/manager a production Elasticsearch instance.

In future posts I will show you how you can swap out other Elasticsearch components for alternatives (e.g. Rate Limiting, Caching, etc).
