Posts tagged with introduction
Apiman 1.2 - Introduction to User Roles in apiman
In this post, we’ll examine apiman user roles. In the apiman data model, all data elements exist in the context of the organization. The same holds true for user memberships as users can be members of multiple organizations. Permissions in apiman are role based. The actions that a user is able to perform are dependent on the roles to which the user is assigned when a user is added as a member of an organization.
Apiman 1.2 - Improvements to Plugin Management
Apiman is not only preconfigured with a rich set of policies that you can use, right out of the box, but, from its earliest releases, apiman has also included a mechanism that you can use to define your own custom policies through plugins. This article describes the improvements introduced in apiman release 1.2.x that enable you to better manage your custom policy plugins.
Apiman 1.2.1 Export and Import
The Question you Dread
If you use a computer at home or at work, you’ll eventually find yourself in a situation where you lose some important data and, while you are trying to recover it, someone asks you a question that is simultaneously annoying and terrifying:
"Did you make a backup?"
Happily, the 1.2 release of apiman includes a new feature that enables you to export and import your apiman data and provides you with an easy means to create apiman data backups. In this post, we’ll take a look at the new export/import feature, and how you can use it for a variety of tasks to protect your data, make your life easier, and enable you to avoid annoying and terrifying questions.
An Impatient New User’s Introduction to API Management with JBoss apiman 1.0
Software application development models are evolutionary things. New technologies are always being created and require new approaches. It’s frequently the case today, that a service oriented architecture (SOA) model is used and that the end product is a software service that can be used by applications. The explosion in growth of mobile devices has only accelerated this trend. Every new mobile phone sold is another platform onto which applications are deployed. These applications are often built from services provided from multiple sources. The applications often consume these services through their APIs.
OK, that’s all interesting, but why does this matter?