JWT Policy
The JWT Policy helps you to validate JWT Tokens by providing a signing key and also via JSON Web Key Set (JWK(S)).
You can also require claims, strip them, and/or forward them as header values to the backend API.
"groupId": "io.apiman.plugins",
"artifactId": "apiman-plugins-jwt-policy",
"version": "3.1.3.Final"
Option | Type | Description | Default |
requireJwt |
Boolean |
Require JWT Terminate request if no JWT is provided. |
true |
requireSigned |
Boolean |
Require Signed JWT (JWS). Require JWTs be cryptographically signed and verified (JWS). It is strongly recommended to enable this option. |
true |
requireTransportSecurity |
Boolean |
Require Transport Security Any request used without transport security will be rejected. JWT requires transport security (e.g. TLS, SSL) to provide protection against a variety of attacks. It is strongly advised this option be switched on. |
true |
stripTokens |
Boolean |
Strip tokens Remove any Authorization header or token query parameter before forwarding traffic to the API |
true |
signingKeyString |
String |
Signing Key or URL to a JWK(S) To validate JWT. Must be Base-64 encoded or you specify a URL to a JWK(S) |
Empty |
kid |
String |
Key ID (kid) of JWK(S) Only set this if you provided a JWK(S) URL. Specify here the kid of the JWK(S). |
Empty |
allowedClockSkew |
Integer |
Maximum Clock Skew Maximum allowed clock skew in seconds when validating exp (expiry) and nbf (not before) claims. Zero implies default behaviour. |
0 |
requiredClaims |
items[] |
Required Claims Set whether to forward roles to an authorization policy. |
None |
forwardAuthInfo |
Forward Claim Information Set auth information from the token into header(s). |
None |
Option | Type | Description | Default |
header |
String |
Claim Fields that the token must contain. |
Empty |
field |
String |
Value Value that must match with the value of the claim. |
Empty |
Fields from the JWT can be set as headers and forwarded to the API. All standard claims, custom claims and ID token fields are available (case-sensitive). |
A special value of access_token
will forward the entire encoded token. Nested claims can be accessed by using javascript dot syntax (e.g: address.country
, address.formatted
Option | Type | Description | Default |
headers |
String |
Header The header value to set (to paired field). |
None |
field |
String |
Field The token field name. |
None |
Sample Configuration
Example 1 (Signing Key)
"requireJWT": true,
"requireSigned": false,
"requireTransportSecurity": true,
"stripTokens": true,
"signingKeyString": "Y29uZ3JhdHVsYXRpb25zLCB5b3UgZm91bmQgdGhlIHNlY3JldCByb29tLiB5b3VyIHByaXplIGlzIGEgZnJlZSBkb3dubG9hZCBvZiBhcGltYW4h",
"allowedClockSkew": 0,
"requiredClaims": [
"claimName": "sub",
"claimValue": "aride"
"forwardAuthInfo": [
"header": "X-Foo",
"field": "sub"