API Manager Database Configuration

The API Manager is a CDI application and uses JPA/Hibernate to persist its data (SQL). A JDBC data source is required to connect to a supported database.

Apiman’s Manager JDBC datasource JNDI name is: java:/apiman/datasources/apiman-manager

As of Apiman 3, we use Liquibase to initialise the database and apply migrations. If you prefer to run migrations manually, set the system property liquibase.should.run=false.

To add or remove datasources, you can:

  • Open standalone-apiman.xml and edit the datasources subsystem.

  • Use the WildFly CLI.

  • Use the WildFly Administration console.

Out of the box, the API Manager data source is usually a simple H2 configuration, but you can change it to support whatever database you desire.

To make getting started easy, we ship Apiman with H2, Postgres, and MySQL JDBC drivers.

System properties and environment properties are available that synchronise settings across Apiman to make database configuration as seamless as possible.

Refer to Parameters for more detail.

Let us know if you want Apiman to ship with drivers for additional databases by default.

You can edit standalone-apiman.xml and apiman.properties if you have an advanced setup that is not catered for by Apiman’s default configuration.


  • This only applies to the Apiman WildFly distribution, currently. If you are using Tomcat, you will need to configure the datasources manually.

  • If you don’t set anything, you will get an H2 file-based database by default.

Table 1. Optional Parameters
Name Type Description
  • System property: apiman.db.driver



WildFly database driver name, as defined in datasources/drivers

  • Default Value: h2

  • Allowed Values: postgresql11, mysql8, (plus any value you have manually configured)

  • System property: apiman.db.url

  • Env var: APIMAN_DB_URL


Apiman database JDBC URL

  • Default Value: jdbc:h2:${jboss.server.data.dir}/h2/apiman-manager-api

  • System property: apiman.db.username



Apiman database username

  • Default Value: sa

  • System property: apiman.db.password



Apiman database password

  • Default Value: sa

  • System property: liquibase.should.run


Whether Liquibase, our SQL change management engine, should run at startup to initialise your database and/or apply the latest SQL migrations.

  • Default Value: true


Postgres — system properties
./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-apiman.xml \
    -Dapiman.db.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/apiman" \
    -Dapiman.db.username=postgres \
    -Dapiman.db.password="admin123\!" \
Postgres — env vars
export APIMAN_DB_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/apiman"
export APIMAN_DB_USERNAME="postgres"
export APIMAN_DB_PASSWORD="admin123\!"
export APIMAN_DB_DRIVER="postgresql11"

./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-apiman.xml
MySQL/MariaDB — system properties
./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-apiman.xml \
    -Dapiman.db.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/apiman" \
    -Dapiman.db.username=root \
    -Dapiman.db.password="admin123\!" \
MySQL/MariaDB — env vars
export APIMAN_DB_URL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/apiman"
export APIMAN_DB_USERNAME="root"
export APIMAN_DB_PASSWORD="admin123\!"
export APIMAN_DB_DRIVER="mysql8"

./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-apiman.xml

Advanced configuration

You can set the Hibernate dialect manually yourself, including via a fully qualified class name (FQCN):


The following dialects are available:

  • h2 / ApimanH2Dialect

  • mysql8 / ApimanMySQL8Dialect

  • oracle19 / ApimanOracle19Dialect

  • postgresql11 / ApimanPostgreSQLDialect

Additional DDLs for various databases can be found in apiman/ddls/.

If you have issues with DDLs, please open a GitHub Issue.