API Manager Notifications Configuration

The Apiman notifications subsystem is responsible for routing notifications to Apiman users and/or groups of users about important topics, such as when an API signup needs approval.

The notifications system is driven by the Apiman Events system. All notifications contain the event that triggered them.

General Configuration

The notifications subsystem is enabled by default, but can be entirely disabled by setting the following in apiman.properties:


In-Browser/API Notifications

The details of the Notifications API are beyond the scope of this guide, but there is a full REST API for Apiman’s notifications system, including searching, pagination, filtering, etc.

Refer to the Apiman REST API documentation.

Email Notifications

Apiman has a rich, fully-templated, and internationalised email notification system; it is driven by the main event subsystem. Email notifications are sent as both HTML and plaintext.

General Configuration

The email notification system is disabled by default (unless you are using the Docker Compose quickstart), and must be enabled by setting the following in apiman.properties:

If you use the Apiman Docker Compose quickstart, email notifications are enabled and sent to a MailDev mock SMTP mail server that you can preview via a web application.

Required parameters

All parameters are prefixed with apiman-manager.notifications

Name Type Description



What the email notification’s "From" name should be



What the email notification’s "From" email address should be



SMTP server host address

Optional parameters

Name Type Description



Whether Apiman should just print email notifications to logs, rather than trying to send a real email

  • Default Value: false



Whether an SSL connection to the SMTP server should be used.

  • Default Value: true



Whether StartTLS should be used, and which version


  • Default Value: OPTIONAL



SMTP server host port

  • Allowed Values: greater than zero, any valid port

  • Default Value: 587



SMTP server username



SMTP server password

Apiman’s email notification templating system

Apiman’s email templates are easy to modify, for example, to add your company’s branding instead of the default upstream appearance.

It consists of three parts:

  • Template index: a global index of all templates.

  • Template includes: a special directory where assets can be stored that can be transcluded into other templates.

  • Template: the email templates themselves

When sending emails, Apiman will try to find the best locale match for a given user (assuming it is known). Otherwise, the default locale from the JVM, and finally English, will be used.

For example, if a template is en, but the user’s preference is en_US, then the en template will still be resolved as being satisfactory.

Template index

Find notification-template-index.json in your distribution. For WildFly it’s in standalone/configuration/notifications/email/notification-template-index.json.

You’ll find a structure that looks something like this:

  "en": { (1)
    "apiman.account.approval.request": { (2)
      "subject": "Action required: New developer account needs activation", (3)
      "html": "tpl/en/apiman.account.approval.request.html", (4)
      "plain": "tpl/en/apiman.account.approval.request.txt", (5)
      "category": "USER_ADMINISTRATION" (6)
  "de": {
1 Language tag (locale)
2 Apiman’s notification reason code. Users should not change this.
3 Email subject line
4 Path to HTML version of email template
5 Path to plaintext version of email template
6 Apiman’s notification category. Users should not normally change this.
7 Same as above, but a German version.

Template includes

Assets can be transcluded into Apiman email notification templates, including other templates.

This is located in notifications/email/tpl/includes.

Any file stored in the includes directory (or subdirectories) can be referenced from an Apiman email notification template as if it were a root directory.

For example, a file:


could be included from an email template using an expression such as:

{#include footer.en.include.html /}


Apiman email notifications templates are Qute templates that are rendered and sent to recipient(s).

They are located in notifications/email/tpl/<locale>/. You can also find them on GitHub.

If you create your own templates, consider using your own file structure and simply changing the template index. This will minimise merge conflicts when you update to the latest version of Apiman.

Currently, there is no automated documentation for the values available for injection into a given notification template. However, you can use the existing templates to know which values are definitely available.

In the future, if there is demand, we may be able to generate all available values. Let us know via GitHub Issues.